Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Well done Room 14

We got there - you now have a blog! Next time we need to look at changing the colour and fonts that you use. As a class we need to think of what picture to use as the front page.

All the best
Miss Gibbs

Best Friends

Once upon a time there was to two girls named Maddy and Lusa. They where stuck on a island.They didn't know there parents and they didn't know they had super powers.


Once upon a time there was a little girl called Harmony.Her mother and father were poor so they hunted in the woods for food.One day they had no food or no water .Her mum and dad loved her very much so they sold her to the orphange.
once upon a time there was three princess and three princes the princes lived in a village not in a castle they have not found there mum yet. They got told that there mum died by duches rowena . the princess name was kaitlin madi and harmony and there were three princes named shalom tevita and eisley.


Once upon a time there was a boy called Eisley.He was very good at scoccer.Then one day... his friend called Sione came to play.He was very good at scoccer too and loved scoccer as well.Other players came to play in our team.The two friends had to play against

the fastest car



At school this term we are doing swimming in our school pool. We have swimming on Tuesday,Thursday and fridays. And we have lunchtime swimming ours are year 5-6 and year 3-4 there are year 1-2 but we are a year five and four classroom. First,we walk around the pool to make the current. The people who do not bring their togs are called non-swimmers they sit and bring something to do or watch the swimmers swim. Me and Rebecca were doing tricks in the water .e.g. handstand diving in. It was fun and nice and cold swimming in the water!


The princess

Once upon time there lived a queen named Maddy.She got married to a prince named Eisley.They had a child named mia

art club

Kate and Rebecca made an art club.We invited a group of friends to come at interval to see how they can draw,they draw realy well.Me and Rebecca have been doing it for a week now.We have about

The 4th week back at school

The first four weeks at school have been really fun. We have had a school barbecue,swimming,oral language,literacy,and singing.Our topic is realationships and the treaty of waitangi.

The dragon and the golden eagle

Once long long ago two animals one a dragon and the other an eagle who had a big fight over a cool as video game. The game called The dragon SMASH. The battel started with a simple fire ball from Dragon, then a air storm from Eagel. Dragon snuck the game in his pocket and ran to the conter to borro it and the battel was over. THE END

About ourselves

Hi I am Katlin and I am Grace and we are now in Room 14. Katlin is Year 5 and Grace is Year 4. And Kaitlins colour is blue and green ,Graces colour is violet,and green. Our friends are Sela and veronica.


On the weekend I played on my playstation2.
My games are: ratchet and clank 3,buzz the music quiz,buzz the mega quiz,eye toy play sports, eye toy astro zoo and sing star 80s.
I played ratchet and clank 3, it is really fun. I am on challenge mode2.
I am saving up for a psp.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010